Wireless EarPods Try Before You Buy Terms: To help you get started, we offer our customers not only products at retail price but also the option for Try Before You Buy. We want you to try the product to determine if it is right for you. By placing an order, you agree to the full
Terms & Conditions and
Privacy Policy. You will immediately be billed the shipping and handling amount of $9.99 and we will immediately ship your Wireless EarPods. You have a 10 day trial. Your trial will begin upon receipt of your Wireless EarPods. After your Wireless EarPods 10 day trial has ended, your credit card will then be automatically charged one time full retail price of $97.57 and you will be shipped a one time supply of Wireless Earpods, unless you take action to cancel your trial. If our product is not right for you, simply call
(888) 276-5934 or contact us via email at
[email protected] to cancel your trial. Your credit card will be billed as truevitalactive.com on your statement.